Nekoland Top Gun aka Towser


Top Gun (call name: Towser, which means energetic and gigantic and is a loving name given by his new family) was the biggest and heaviest kitten before we rehomed him.  He weighed 9 pounds on the day of his desexing surgery at around 5.5 months old!  Besides his big size, he is VERY affectionate, adorable and the sweetest kitten one can ever imagine!  We really had a hard time rehoming him.  That said, we were so elated and grateful that we found him a loving home.  He now resides in a 2000 sq feet apartment in an American-Japanese family with a European Shorthair female cat.  On the day of rehoming him, we put him in a carrier case and accompanied his new papa and mama to his new home.  Seeing that Towser was going to reside in a comfy and cat-friendly place, we were relieved!  Now, we still have contacts with his new family from time to time and we were told that Towser had already acquainted with his new furry buddy!


Top Gun是一只很愛親近人的貓咪.  在第二窩小貓當中, 他是最重和最大的.  在他5.5月大接受絕育手術時, 他已經9磅了, 體重是一般其他品種的成貓的重量呢!  現在, Towser與他的新主人及一頭歐洲短毛貓住在2000呎的大宅內.  看到他被寵愛著, 我們十分欣慰.



These pictures feature Top Gun from baby to 5 months old.


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