有些人以為貓舍好像狗般在一個室外大場內養着數十甚至數百頭狗,但其實貓舍大都在室內, 就在貓舍主人,即繁殖者的家內。我們也不例外,為了成立此貓舍,我們搬家到一間村屋的二樓連天臺, 並僻了一間房作貓房。我們的參展貓便住在這房內, 至於其他的貓咪則不受約束地在客廳及飯廳內奔馳,牠們最享受在那80呎,有着180度無敵靚景的落地玻璃露台看鳥兒飛, 蝴蝶在空中飛舞, 享受日光浴等。 我們的種公則住在350呎的大房間內, 有大量的落地玻璃貓步道(cat walk)供他們欣賞風景及漫步,  亦有他們專用的空中花園哩!

Our home 我們的家

Show Cats’ Room with sofa

Fun fun staircase in the Show Cats’ Room

The long balcony (about 80 square feet) of our home is our general feline members’  favourite spot.  This balcony is fenced with glass windows.  They can always safely look outside to watch birds and butterflies flying across the sky.  Their utilities, including their litter pans, food bowls, water dispenser as well as the cat tower, are all located here.   An interesting point with the design is that there are two glass doors connected to this balcony, one leading to the sitting room and the other one leading to our spacious bedroom.  When both doors are opened, they will play hide-and-seek.  It’s really great fun watching them roam about the places excitedly!


The Show Cats’ Room is mainly for our show cats.  Here, the air-conditioner is turned on almost round-the-clock to ensure that our show cats’ coat can be kept in premium condition.  There are funny stuffs in this room, namely, a colorful sofa bought from Sea Horse, a tailor-made ‘Fun Fun Staircase’ for them to climb up and down and also for storage of cat items in the drawers, a toy wooden bed bought from Ikea, and of course, wooden layers for them to jump up and down as well.  So, this room is both functional and inspirational.


Currently, the Boys’ room on the upper floor accommodates our two studs Da Vinci and his son Fire Fox.  The father and the son live peacefully in this room, which is about 350 square feet.  To make this room more functional, there is a ‘romance partition’ for visiting queens where mating can take place without disturbance.  We are now expanding this room by adding an enclosed garden for our boys.  The highlight of this garden, which is still under construction, is the huge ’genuine cat tree’ which enables our energetic boys to exercise and appreciate the views outside while enjoying some fresh air.  Although the upper floor is exclusively for our big boys, from time to time, we allow our kittens to roam about the floor so as to socialize them with their father and brother.  This helps to prepare them for moving into this room when they grow up and gradually become less active in cat shows.


How about our queens?  They enjoy sleeping with us in our bedroom.  Here, they have their own balcony and utilities.  Newborns are also nursed in our bedroom, in their spacious shelter.  


CFA Registered Maine Coon Cattery (CFA 註冊緬因貓舍)

The cat tower in our Boys’ room

‘Cat walk’ in the Boys’ room

‘Romance partition’ and toys in the Boys’ room

Genuine Cat Tree’ in the enclosed garden for the boys

Entrance to the outdoor garden

‘Romance partition’ and toys in the Boys’ room

Our dining room occupied by the cats!


About Maine Coon




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