MonaLisa’s father was GC, NW, BW Dewsiplear Pierce Mayfair, which was the Best Maine Coon as well as the 13th Best Allbreed Championship Cat in CFA (2006-2007).  We are so grateful that Mr and Mrs Chaney entrusted us with such a precious girl from their outstanding breeding lines.  Among all Mona’s fabulous features, we appreciate her wide and lovely muzzle most.  This interesting masculine trait makes her resemble her sire so much and surely completes her distinguished Maine Coon looks.   


Showing MonaLisa is full of fun!  Although she tends to spend quite a lot of time taking ‘cat naps’ in the show hall (LOL), whenever it is her ‘show time’, she will play crazily while showing off herself on the stage.  She was definitely born to be a ‘Show Girl’.  In the UFO Countdown CFA Cat Show (April, 2010, Hong Kong), MonaLisa earned two rosettes in Ms Diana Rothermel’s ring as she was awarded the Third Best Allbreed Champion in addition to the Second Best Longhair Champion.  Not easy at all for a female Maine Coon!


We would very much love to show MonaLisa again, but for the moment, we are anxiously awaiting her first litter of babies with our major stud boy Da Vinci! 

Dewisplear The MonaLisa of Nekoland

 出生日期: 2009415

 家鄉: 美國

 毛色: 啡虎班

 格: 不怕陌生人, 很愛撒嬌及被抱, 最愛玩逗貓捧.

 事: 參展時在貓籠會休養生息, 但在台上則顯得生龍活虎, 玩逗貓捧及爬貓樹均是她的強項, 並從沒欺場!

 歷: Mona20104UFO貓會舉辦之CFA貓展取得最佳長毛冠軍第二名及全品種冠軍第三名.

 血統 :其父親Dewisplear Pierce Mayfair2006年度全CFA(世界性)最佳緬因成貓及全品種最佳冠軍貓第13名.


CFA Registered Maine Coon Cattery (CFA 註冊緬因貓舍)

MonaLisa pictured with her sire GC, BW, NW Dewsiplear Pierce Mayfair in a cat show

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